YCOE LCAP & Other Plans
School Districts LCAPs
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a three year plan that sets goals and funding priorities for school districts. LCAPs are updated annually and identify specific actions geared toward implementing goals.
YCOE Local Control Accountability Plan Background
In 2013, the State of California adopted a new funding system, known as the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which provides a uniform funding level for every student in California with additional revenue to serve students with the greatest needs such as our students who are English learners, children from low-income families, and foster youth.
Under the new formula, school districts must create an LCAP that sets goals for student achievement and describes how the district will use its budget to achieve those goals, paying particular attention to traditionally underserved student populations. In developing these plans, districts must get input from parents, staff, students and the community.
The LCAP includes annual goals aligned to the eight state priorities specified by state officials: student achievement, student engagement, other student outcomes, school climate, parental involvement, basic services, implementation of California Standards, and course access.
Development Process
YCOE has gathered input from all our stakeholder groups; parents, teachers, principals, administration, bargaining units, local district personnel, Parent Advisory Committee, foster youth and community partners.
YCOE LCAP committee was formed and met monthly to provide input and guidance on the development of the LCAP.
The LCAP includes annual goals aligned to the eight state priorities specified by state officials: student achievement, student engagement, other student outcomes, school climate, parental involvement, basic services, implementation of California Standards, and course access.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the Local Control Funding Formula?
- How Will LCFF Change How Schools Get Money?
- What Is the Local Control and Accountability Plan?
- What Goals Are Included in The LCAP?
Development Process
YCOE has gathered input from all our stakeholder groups; parents, teachers, principals, administration, bargaining units, local district personnel, Parent Advisory Committee, foster youth and community partners.
YCOE LCAP committee was formed and met monthly to provide input and guidance on the development of the LCAP.