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School Districts

Yuba County is comprised of five K-12 school districts and one K-12 rural Charter school.  

The Yuba County Office of Education provides fiscal services to our districts, educational resources to teachers and schools with Yuba County and is responsible for a Career Preparatory Charter, as well as Court & Community based schools, Special Education programs and Regional Occupation Programs throughout Yuba County.

Camptonville Union
Elementary School District

Wheatland School

Marysville Joint Unified
School District

Wheatland Union High
School District 

Plumas Lake Elementary
School District

Yuba Environmental Science
Charter School

District Locator

The link will help you find out which school district serves a particular street address or land parcel. When you obtain the school district that serves a particular street address or land parcel please see our Public School Directory for contact information. You will need to contact the school district to obtain the school assignment for a particular street address or land parcel.

To determine which school district serves a particular street address or land parcel, click the locator link below.

School District Locator
